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Technical help for advocates and others, in requesting specific roadway or trail improvements by Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) or local agencies.  In addition, training on infrastructure topics and involvement with FDOT design policies.  A program of the Florida Bicycle Association.

Bicycle Infrastructure Assistance

Our Bicycle Infrastructure Assistance (BIA) goals are:

  • To provide technical and strategic support to regional and local bicycle advocates seeking improved infrastructure conditions in specific locations.
  • To serve as a liaison between advocates and road agencies including Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and local agencies, both for design policies and for specific road or trail projects.
  • To provide training on bicycle accommodation and infrastructure issues and FDOT policies to interested advocates; and to road agency professionals, if sufficient opportunities do not currently exist.
  • To represent cyclists in reviewing and staying current with state road design policies through FDOT’s Roadway Design central office and the Florida Greenbook Advisory Committee.
  • To develop or enhance partnerships with FDOT central office and FDOT districts in addition to regional / local advocates.

Bicycle Infrastructure 101 is on our YouTube Channel:


About our BIA Program Director Ed Barsotti Ed has extensive experience with bicycle infrastructure including development of bike plans for 20 cities; design input on hundreds of road projects; instruction of over 1000 planners, engineers, students and advocates on infrastructure and planning; and participation on his state’s roadway design manual committee.  He enjoys helping professionals and advocates find pragmatic, achievable solutions to better bicycling conditions.

Please use this FORM to request assistance or email Ed directly at