Speaking of..
It was nice to get some feedback from last week’s blog, at least I know someone read it. Actually, at least two read it, Butch provided a nice comment and Bud tested my promise to join FBA member bicycle clubs. Being a woman of my word, I am now a member of the Sarasota Manatee Bicycle Club. You know, that’s not too far from Tampa Bay, I may make a club ride.
Speaking of bicycle clubs, I’ll check the database next week and report on the FBA bicycle clubs I will be a card-carrying member of. If any club (FBA member or not) wishes to have the interim Executive Director of the Florida Bicycle Association be a guest speaker at their next meeting to test bicycle skills, knowledge or sense of humor (yours or mine), please send an email to becky@floridabicycle.net .
Speaking of members, have you mentioned to your seasonal biking buddies that they too can be a member of FBA with our new Snowbird Membership? Just $15!! Have them to go to our web site and click the Join Us tab.
Speaking of web sites, did you know your membership covers the cost to provide the Ask Geo web site? Ask Geo, our legal on line answer desk, reached over 10,000 hits in July. This web site is just another example how your support helps the Florida Bicycle Association provide resources to support all Florida bicyclists. Thank you members!
Speaking of support, the “Ask” is still ON – have you asked your employer or company if they provide matching donations for your contributions to FBA?
Speaking of contributions, would you like to be a FBA volunteer? Be a guest blogger? Both?
Send an email to becky@floridabicycle.net for more information.
Speaking of information, FBA members now receive a monthly e-newsletter called “ABC Quick Check”. Look for the next issue to hit your Inbox in mid August.
Speaking of mid August, our “Ask” takes to the bicycle shops – is your favorite shop a member of FBA? Bicycle shops across Florida will receive a special invitation in 10 days to encourage their membership to FBA.
Bicycle shops. Bicycle clubs. You. Me.
Let’s ride together as members of FBA!