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Posted by on Sep 24, 2014 in FBA | 0 comments

A Seat at the Table

The title to this blog is misleading; turns out, the Florida Bicycle Association has a seat at a few tables.  Do you know which ones?  Here are the top three:

1.  The Florida Greenways and Trails Foundation.  The mission of the Florida Greenways and Trails Foundation is to advocate for and help create a statewide system of trails and greenways to advance health, recreation, transportation and tourism.  FBA has an ex officio seat on the board, a fancy way of saying we’re invited, but we don’t vote.  That’s OK.  After attending the board meeting last week, there isn’t anything FGTF is doing that FBA would object to.  In fact, if you haven’t heard, the main current project in FGTF “Close the Gaps” campaign is something called the Coast to Coast Connector Trail, estimated to be 275 miles long upon completion.

ctc_logo-179x60 According to FGTF website,

The Connector will link communities between St. Petersburg and Titusville along its entire length into a major destination route that will allow residents and visitors to explore Central Florida by bicycle or foot. The Connector includes two of the state’s most popular trails, the Fred Marquis Pinellas Trail and the West Orange Trail, both of which have fueled the economic transformation of communities, particularly Dunedin and Winter Garden.

Imagine what this will do for Florida as a whole, to beat out Missouri’s popular Katy Trail by over 30 miles.  Go Florida!

2.  Florida’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Coalition.  Florida’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Coalition was formed to prioritize and implement the strategies identified in the Pedestrian and Bicycle Strategic Safety Plan. This diverse group represents many agencies and organizations that have a vested interest in pedestrian and bicycle safety in Florida, including, you guessed it, the Florida Bicycle Association.


3.  Florida’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Partnership Council.  I saved the best for last.  The Partnership Council was established to create a forum of stakeholders to provide guidance to FDOT on policy matters and issues affecting bicycle and pedestrian transportation needs for the great state of Florida.  That’s right, the Florida Bicycle Association has a vote on policy matters!

By the way, FBA membership, including Snowbird membership, means you have the vote that FBA has, your own seat at the table, if you will.  Do you want a seat at the table?   Join FBA!!


It was brought to my attention that there may be a mis-understanding regarding the purchase of the Share the Road license tag.  Purchasing the tag DOES NOT enroll you in FBA membership.  You must join FBA separate from the tag purchase.  You can join or check your membership status by going to our MEMBERSHIP page.  

Thank you!

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