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Posted by on Nov 6, 2014 in FBA | 2 comments


Is it possible to be a guest blogger on your own blog?

So I gather everyone figured out there was no blog post on election day, that was by design.  And I do wonder, can I guest blog on this blog?  I ask because I am in a vacation area of Florida and feel a tad tourist.

Here’s the deal, I’m at a bicycle tour called BubbaFest, which takes place in the Florida Keys.  Typical views include the following:




I have attended this tour since its inception, which was at least 10 years ago.  I attend it as the “Coffee Lady”, providing the best darn cup of coffee ever brewed in an RV storage lot of a campground (Knight’s Key) or any campground for that matter.  I say this with confidence.  I also say with confidence that I am a person who honors their commitments, and I committed to serving coffee at BubbaFest prior to the job offer with FBA, and thankfully, FBA allowed me to keep this commitment.

This past Sunday, Bubba introduced me as the new FBA executive director to the participants, which was also the day I attended the Gulf Coast Cycle Fest in the morning.  A drive from Sarasota to Marathon where I would normally practice a speech was spent coming to terms that I had lost my voice (post flu) and wouldn’t have much to say.

When I was handed the microphone Sunday evening, I let everyone know they were about to hear the shortest membership pitch ever – “Join!”  Yep, that’s all I said.

However, I realize I was to spend the week with this group, so there was plenty of time to talk FBA, which I did when the tour moved to Key West.  I say talk, but my voice is still hoarse.  However, the point of joining FBA is being made.


FBA table of goodies at the BubbaFest coffee stand – nothing like brew and bikes!

The last two mornings have been spent discussing the association, listening to concerns and even addressing a few concerns riders had with bike lane conditions and debris on the 7-mile bridge.  Yes, people ask what kind of influence I have with FDOT, to which I say I will send FDOT an email.  I do and I did and FDOT responded and I had feedback to share with the concerned cyclist the next day.  Thank you DeWayne Carver, our FDOT Bike/Ped Coordinator!

Over the years, I noticed a few changes to the bicycling culture in the Keys and one thing I noticed today while riding to the store for supplies was the use of sharrows on Roosevelt Blvd:


Personally, I would like to see more of this where possible. Just saying.

So yes, for those that ask, I do occasionally ride during the tour.


It’s a “COW” thing

As far as “The ASK”, I’ve had several say they intend to join on line after the tour and had one (s0 far) who filled out the application and paid cash.  Yea!

Florida Bicycle Association membership is growing and our love of bicycling lives on.  I say this with confidence as someone who has, in just three months, ridden as far north as Alaska and as far south as the US Southern Most Point.  For me, bicycling is adventure!  Bicycling is FUN!

Did ya notice the smile on face?


  1. Great job Becky ~ Imagine Alaska to the Keys in a few short months! Pretty awesome! You are doing a great job of getting FBA’s message out to a great deal of people who will benefit from it! Thanks for your hard work on the behalf of cycling and cyclist!

  2. Officially a member!

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