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Posted by on Dec 24, 2014 in FBA | 0 comments

Positive Spin – part one

I decided to wait a day to post this blog in order to have it publish Christmas Eve day.  Why?


No really, why?

Well, if you insist, here’s the story:

Our 2015 Winter Messenger is hot off the presses and currently being delivered across this state.  I believe you will enjoy the cover story – a cycling adventure as told by the cyclist.  It’s a two-part adventure, so I won’t spoil the ending, but I will share why I chose to make it the cover story.  I found Tom’s journey captivating and sincere, touching upon what I love about cycling: adventure, discovery and at times, the challenge of survival.

In fact, all the stories and articles in this edition of the Messenger touch upon what I love about cycling.  From touring with Bike Florida to the teamwork to find an answer generated by one simply question, the insights, opinions and yes, frustrations of being a cyclist are explored in a respectful and constructive manner.  You may not know it or believe it, but this is cause for celebration.  Why?  Because.  No really, why?

Well, if you insist, the answer is quite simple: we are willing to work together to find solutions.  Maybe it’s been there all along, but as I stated on page 5 of the Messenger, I’m willing to really talk it up.  In the last paragraph of my Messenger column I mention an idea – ‘spinning the positive’ – a means to inform elected officials of the good deeds cyclists are doing in their community.  What has since evolved is the ‘FBA Positive Spin‘ initiative, and the form is live on our web site at the “Spin This” tab or by clicking the “FBA Positive Spin” graphic on the home page.

Spin This graphic3

It’s quite simple:  You, as a member of FBA or not, document the good you are doing in your community and FBA, in turn, will send a letter to your local elected officials commending you, your club or your business on the good deed.  It’s not always easy to brag about the good you are doing, but FBA will gladly do it for you on behalf of the cycling community.

And speaking of good deeds, it’s that time of year for FBA to gather nominations for our annual awards.  The nomination form is also live on our web site and you can read more about the awards here.  The deadline for nominations is January 31, 2015.

Now, before I end part one of this blog, I do have a good deed to mention, a real cause for celebration and real reason for holding this blog until Christmas Eve day.  Recently, as in 4 days ago, FBA was asked a question, via our “Contact FBA” website form, with regards to available funding or grants to cover the expense to replace a stolen bicycle, a tricycle used by a special needs adult.  Two days ago, I put the question out to a few sources.  Yesterday, a new tricycle was delivered to the special needs adult.

I believe stories like this can become the norm and not the exception.  By working together to find solutions, we can accomplish more than we dream possible and this is cause for celebration.

I would like thank “Team Santa” for answering a question and then some: Bike/Walk Central Florida, Orange Cycle, FDOT, Lisa Portelli of Winter Park Health Foundation and all those Facebook friends who within seconds had the solution.  The spirit of the season is alive and well and moving forward.  Next week I’ll blog about another good deed and ‘positive spin’ for 2015.  Meanwhile..


Merry Christmas!


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