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Posted by on Jan 6, 2015 in FBA | 0 comments

Happy 2015!

As much as I ask for guest bloggers to share their cycling stories right here on the FBA website, I have overlooked asking for guest photographers to share their story in photo.

A picture is worth a thousand words, after all.  Let me demonstrate:


Sunrise at St. Augustine Beach


Florida “snow tire”. Well, not snow really, but sand, you know, from the beach 🙂


Get the picture?  If so, please share yours and send to FBA.  Make it your 2015 resolution to be a guest blogger for the Florida Bicycle Association and tell your cycling story in words, photos, or both.  It’s easy and it’s fun – like we all know riding a bike to be, even on the beach.



Let’s ride together in 2015 and share our stories of cycling adventure wherever we are in Florida.  Happy New Year and Happy Cycling from Florida Bicycle Association.

Please send your blog content to


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