Always Stop on Red
Today we welcome a guest blog from our friends at Alert Today Florida:
The 2015 National Stop on Red week took place earlier this month and in recognition of this important issue, Alert Today Florida and Florida’s Safe Mobility for Life Coalition partnered with the National Coalition for Safer Roads to increase driver and pedestrian knowledge about the dangers of red-light running and how awareness increases safety. Innocent lives are lost every day because drivers recklessly run red lights, and the most vulnerable road users are pedestrians and bicyclists. Highlighting the week’s activities were three key intersection-focused events around the state, literally taking the message “Always Stop on Red” to the streets.
Volunteers from local businesses, staff from nearby public agencies, and local law enforcement officers gathered at high-traffic intersections in Ft. Lauderdale, Jacksonville, and Orlando to talk with, educate, and reward good drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists.
Four “corner teams” with safety instructions and reflective vests managed each intersection. Volunteers talked with drivers about safety and handed out education materials including “Stop on Red” tip cards, “Watch Out for Pedestrians” or “Share the Road” car magnets and Safe Mobility for Life hand fans.
Yard signs were set up along each side of the road so that drivers read: “Always”, “Stop”, “On”, “Red” as they approached an intersection. Many drivers honked out their support or asked that a magnet be attached to their vehicles. Team members also spoke with people walking by or waiting at a transit stop. As the temperature heated up, the Safe Mobility for Life fans became very “handy” for both volunteers and pedestrians.
Team leaders with special experiences motivated and educated at each location. Melissa Wandall and daughter Madisyn, who have personally experienced the importance of safe driving to saving lives, lead the Orlando team. Local media interviewed Melissa and her daughter about the importance of Stop on Red and both did a fantastic job showing their passion for transportation safety and sharing their story for all to learn from.
Ron Tittle from FDOT District 2 posted a video of the Jacksonville event on YouTube. Law enforcement officers from many jurisdictions also joined in distributing tip cards and talking to drivers. Local business owners came out to discuss their concerns and express their support with our volunteers. One business committed to putting magnets on several delivery trucks.
The 2015 Stop on Red Week was a huge success. The presence of a bunch of people garbed in Alert Today Florida reflective vests brought out a lot of questions from curious drivers and pedestrians, providing the perfect opportunity to educate them about the how important it is to Stop on Red!
Special thanks go out to the following and all the other volunteers who participated: Jennifer Fierman, Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator for FDOT District 4 and Team Fort Lauderdale; Scott Lagasse, Jr. and members of Team SLR; Jacksonville Jaguars Director of Corporate Partnerships, Matt Rickoff; Jacksonville Jaguars Foundation Program Coordinator, T-Neisha Tate; Jacksonville Jaguars Cheerleaders Jorah and Kendall; City of Jacksonville and Denise Chaplick, COJ Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator; Representatives from Florida Highway Patrol, University of North Florida Police Department, Broward Sheriff’s Office, Hallandale Beach Police Department, Best Foot Forward, City of Orlando, National Coalition for Safer Roads, Orange County Sheriff’s Office, Winter Garden Police Department, Federal Highway Administration, Ocoee Police Department, and American Traffic Solutions.
Editor’s note: In November 2011, the Secretary of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) charged District One Secretary Billy Hattaway with the task of championing Florida’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Focused Initiative. Secretary Hattaway quickly formed a team and began working towards the goal of increasing awareness and decreasing fatalities of bicyclists and pedestrians in Florida. It takes teamwork to reach the masses and the Florida Bicycle Association is proud to be part of the solution. The Alert Today Alive Tomorrow campaign continues to conduct outreach programs to educate all road users. Visit Alert Today Florida for more information.
Bike Florida and Florida Bicycle Association share a common cause in bicycle education for residents and visitors to the Sunshine “Bike-Ped” State. Share the Road license plate proceeds benefit Bike Florida and Florida Bicycle Association to further these bicycle educational efforts. What’s on your motor vehicle? Get the Share the Road license plate!
Did you know Rejjee is the only nation-wide multi-product registry and crowd sourced Lost & Found that includes discount product replacement offers on bicycles? Rejjee also supports Florida Bicycle Association and FBA supports Rejjee.
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