Happy Shredding
MTBers, pump trackers, trail riders, bike poloists: let’s stomp for bikeability – we love to ride, too!
Okay, I admit it: I had to search the Interwebs for the slang to write my headline. But if you don’t bail on me yet (see what I did there?), I hope you’ll appreciate my aim: to include all types of riding in an upcoming program that encourages bicycling in Florida.
Historically, road cyclists have been the organized advocates for cycling throughout the Sunshine State. And thus, programs such as the one I’m promoting have more easily been tailored to meet their needs. But now bike polo is a thing!* And my kids ride at MTB parks. And cyclocross, BMX and other non-traditional bicycling sports have grown into collegiate programs. So it behooves all of us who want to see more cycling and more bikeability throughout the state to broaden our thinking, and fully engage all cycling enthusiasts in what we’re doing.
Let me introduce the Love to Ride Florida challenge. It encourages and rewards bicycling in just about any form, and I want to be sure it represents those who drop in, whip, or bike with a mallet in-hand. The challenge is free to join; upcoming swag and prizes include bikes, gear and the satisfaction that you’re helping make the case for bicycling in Florida. The challenge runs from Oct. 30 (this week! So sign up now!) through Nov. 30.
Here’s my special pitch to all the bros and bettys out there, though (am I doing this right?): sign up for the challenge and create a group that represents your niche bike sport or that is just for your crew. Invite your teammates or riding partners to your group, and compete alongside roadies for the top of the leaderboards.
Your workplace also can compete and win worksite prizes such as bike maintenance packs. Riding for even just ten minutes over the course of the challenge earns points. And you get bonus points for encouraging newbies to get dialed in. Ugh, I know. I’m really reaching for it.
Regardless how much you ride or who you invite, just please get involved. This is a chance for all bicycle riders in Florida to join together to demonstrate our support of bicycling.
Let’s hit this line together and have an epic challenge.
Smh. Someone stop me.
*Bike polo (like several non-mainstream cycling sports) has actually been a thing for a long time — about 130 years, in fact.
What’s your cycling story? Is it in the Messenger? Our quarterly Messenger newsletter is available online for your internet reading pleasure, just visit the FBA website Home page . Want a hard copy of our Messenger? FBA members have the Messenger delivered to their door every quarter. Join Florida Bicycle Association or visit one of our bicycle shop members to pick up a copy and use the membership form inside to join!