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Posted by on Mar 6, 2021 in FBA | 0 comments

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

No, it’s not December.  It’s March, Florida Bicycle Month!  This is when we celebrate cycling and our cycling champions.  From individuals to clubs and organizations to elected officials, Florida is filled with real people doing good for the cycling community – check out our 2020 Annual Award recipients!

Of course, we know our friends at the League of American Bicyclists set aside May as National Bike Month, but why wait?  Our Governor has repeatedly proclaimed March as Florida Bicycle Month, so let’s get the party started now while the weather is better here in the Sunshine State.  In fact, let’s just keep on riding now until May and throughout the whole year.

March is a great time to ride a bicycle in Florida.  If it’s been a while since being in the saddle, consider celebrating with Bike on Pi Day.  On March 14 (3.14), join with us and our friends at Alert Today Florida by challenging yourself to ride 3.14 miles – this could be the best opportunity to leave the automobile in the garage and take the bicycle out to the local library, grocery store or maybe a picnic to the park.  Go for it!

As fun as all that sounds, and it is, we know there’s real work to be done in Florida to make bicycling safe and accepted.  Our mission of education and advocacy is a daily, on-going process.  This Messenger will arrive as the 2021 Florida legislative session official starts.  I am happy (actually, quite thrilled) to report that the FBA Move Over for People initiative has been filed as the Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety bill (HB 605 and SB 950).  Please see our legislative platform page for more information.

As we seek connections in our facilities, be it sidewalks, bicycle lanes, shared use paths or natural surface trails, let us not forget that even during a pandemic, we can connect with each other.  Communication in the transportation system is easy and doable, be it in a motor vehicle, on a bicycle or simply by walking: make eye contact, use your turn signals (practice if this means taking your hand off the handlebar), give an audible warning when passing as a cyclist and pass at a speed/distance that is non-threatening.

We are all human and as humans, we are in this transportation system together, even when mistakes are made.  We can do better and all of us can start improving right now by paying attention and moving over for other humans sharing the system.  You can make the drive/ride/walk enjoyable by practicing civility and something I like to call CPR:  Courtesy, Patience and Respect.  Give it a try. I bet the connection brings a smile; like riding a bicycle during Florida Bicycle Month and beyond.

What’s your cycling story? Is it in the Messenger? Our quarterly Messenger newsletter is available online for your internet reading pleasure, just visit the FBA website Home page .  Want a hard copy of our Messenger? FBA members have the Messenger delivered to their door every quarter.  Join Florida Bicycle Association or visit one of our bicycle shop members to pick up a copy and use the membership form inside to join!

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