It’s HERE!!
The Florida Department of Transportation’s Mobility Week kicks off TOMORROW and leads right into the November Love to Ride Florida Challenge. Yay!
Mobility Week is a statewide celebration of making smart, efficient, and safe multimodal transportation choices. During Mobility Week, cities, counties, and transportation partner agencies host events to promote transportation choices, highlight transportation achievements, and roll out new initiatives or policies. Check out the statewide schedule of events!
Looking for something to do at home, like actually at home? Power up the computer because FBA and David’s World Cycle is teaming up to provide you the opportunity to Score and Save with our online Adult Cyclist Bicycle Safety Quiz!
Here’s how it works:
David’s World Cycle will offer an electronic coupon (worth $10 towards purchase) for all those who receive the Gold Certificate to our online Adult Cyclist Quiz by close of business on November 5, 2021. In fact, David’s World Cycle will honor any Gold Certificate achieved and requested to be emailed prior to Mobility Week (WhooHoo!). All you have to do is Go for the GOLD and have the certificate emailed to you.
FBA is keeping track of the emailed certificates and for those who achieve and request the Gold certificate prior to November 6, 2021. David’s World Cycle will send the $10 off coupon, via email, by mid-November, just in time for holiday shopping! The coupons will be valid in all 21 stores and David’s World Cycle will disclose any restrictions when the coupons are emailed.
Again, just complete the Bronze, Silver and Gold levels of questions before November 6 and be sure to request the Gold Certificate to be emailed to you.
Wow! What a week! But the cycling celebration doesn’t stop there – spend the rest of November spinning with the Love to Ride Florida Challenge! Last year, more than 2,000 Floridians and 174 organizations rode over 200,000 miles! This year should be even better (have you seen the weather forecast?), and best of all, the Love to Ride Florida Challenge encourages riders to pedal for points and prizes. It’s true! As if riding wasn’t reward enough, you could actually WIN a prize! To recap:
Take our online quiz – celebrate Mobility Week – register for Love to Ride
Best November ever, even on October 28th.
What’s your cycling story? Is it in the Messenger? Our quarterly Messenger newsletter is available online for your internet reading pleasure, just visit the FBA website Home page . Want a hard copy of our Messenger? FBA members have the Messenger delivered to their door every quarter. Join Florida Bicycle Association or visit one of our bicycle shop members to pick up a copy and use the membership form inside to join!