Love to Ride continues..
At the halfway point of the Florida Love to Ride Challenge, we would like to share a few stories from those who participated last year and where they are today:
Back on the bike
“I rode a bike everywhere as a kid, but put it aside after college. I was a runner for 35+ years. I began riding again to give my feet a chance to recover from plantar fasciitis and got hooked. So much easier on the knees, back and ankles than running. And a lot more fun. You can bike for a workout, for a Sunday-drive like fun ride, or to run an errand. All of our family now bikes, and we do a group ride on the weekends. Necessity is often the mother of invention. So I’m grateful that my painful feet got me back on a bike.”
1 year later:
“I used to run, but I have chronic foot problems as a result, so I took up biking about 10 years ago. Mostly I ride solo, but I also ride weekly with family and occasionally with friends. I ride a lot on the trails and routes around Venice, FL, especially the Legacy Trail. I also run errands on my bike. The five months we’re in Maryland, I ride along the towpath at the nearby C&O Canal National Historical Park and the Western Maryland Rail Trail. I recently completed the Seagull Century, a 100+ mile riding event on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. About 4,000 riders participated in the ride. Great fun!”
- John L
The Road Less Traveled
“My son and I tried something new! The woods are a very different place to ride a bike, so why not try it? There are lots of twist and turns with nature surrounding us. Try going off the ramps at full speed and dropping down in the dirt. I promise it’s fun!”
1 year later:
“A year has gone by and we’re still at it! We bike back and forth to work and school now (with 3 kids by the way). It definitely takes a real effort and lots of planning (and time) but we’ve made getting around on two wheels our main transportation goal. We do have a working vehicle after not having one for 3 years but we’re so accustomed to riding everywhere that we plan on continuing this trend. It saves us gas, keeps the pandemic pounds off, and improves our overall health (not to mention the good habits our kids are learning). Thanks to incentives and challenges like the upcoming one with Love To Ride, ride our bikes everywhere keeps us focused and engaged. We can’t wait to put in the work for the remainder of the year!”
- Miguel R
The Love to Ride Florida CHALLENGE is a fun, free statewide competition for individuals and organizations to get more people riding bicycles.
The weather is here – sign up TODAY!
What’s your cycling story? Is it in the Messenger? Our quarterly Messenger newsletter is available online for your internet reading pleasure, just visit the FBA website Home page . Want a hard copy of our Messenger? FBA members have the Messenger delivered to their door every quarter. Join Florida Bicycle Association or visit one of our bicycle shop members to pick up a copy and use the membership form inside to join!